Hatha Yoga

Espace Santé Femmes and Lysiane HUELSER offer Hatha Yoga classes.

What’s in store for you?

  • Finding space in our bodies through a variety of movements: strength, stretching, balance.
  • Discover our breath by recognising that “I breathe, therefore I am”.
  • Face our physical, emotional and mental limits.

Regular practice helps you to re-tame your body, and the postures strengthen and soften it at the same time. Yogis say that a supple, firm body promotes a light, calm mind. A calm mind offers a fluid approach to life.

Each week, Lysiane invites you to a holistic experience (physical, mental, emotional, social, etc.) that includes everyone where they are in their relationship with themselves.

For information and registration (required): https://reseaufemmes.ch/hatha-yoga/

!! Classes are given in French !!