On Friday 6 and Saturday 7 September, we’ve put together a whole range of activities to help you discover the power of women’s and feminist networks in the history of Geneva.
Round-table discussions, exhibitions, guided tours and much more are on the programme for these days, organised in partnership with Réseau femmes*, décadréE, the Filigrane library, the Archives contestataires, the illustrator collective La Bûche and the Fesses-tival.
Friday 6 September – 6pm-8pm
- Launch of the Journées du matrimoine in the presence of Madame Frédérique Perler, Conseillère administrative en charge de l’aménagement, and Monsieur Alfonso Gomez, Conseiller administratif en charge de l’égalité.
- Preview of the web series “Dans les yeux d’Émilie” (Institut décadréE).
Round table “Faire réseau, faire les féminismes: regards sur le matrimoine” (Fondation pour l’égalité de genre). - Exhibition on the domestic workers’ movement “Ni paillasson, ni ange au foyer, ni mégère” (“Neither doormat, nor house angel, nor shrew”) (Archives contestataires and Filigrane library).
Exhibition on ecofeminism by the La Bûche cartoonists’ collective.
Saturday 7 September
11 am – 12 pm: Inauguration of rue Pearl-Grobet-Secrétan with Ville de Genève and the 100Elles* project.
14:30, 15:45, 17:00: Guided tours of La Collective following the “Femmes et réseaux dans l’histoire de Genève” city tours.
- Exhibition by Réseau femmes*.
- Screening of five episodes of the web series “Dans les yeux d’Émilie” (Institut décadréE).
- Exhibition on the domestic workers’ movement: “Ni paillasson, ni ange au foyer, ni mégère” (Archives Contestataires and Filigrane Library).
- Exhibition on eco-feminism by La Bûche cartoonists’ collective.
- Exhibition “Satellites” from the Fesses Festival.
These activities are offered with the support of the Service Agenda 21-Ville durable de la Ville de Genève as part of the Journées européennes du patrimoine.
For the programme of the Journées du matrimoine (and Journées du patrimoine, of course!) in Geneva and throughout Switzerland, visit decouvrir-le-patrimoine.ch and follow the Instagram account @decouvrirlepatrimoine.
!! Activities are conducted in French !!